For a more inclusive and accessible Canadian job market
I am
A woman from the African and/or Caribbean diaspora
Girl, we know that navigating the Canadian job market is no easy task. So we have compiled relevant resources and created spaces for conversations that we hope will benefit your professional and personal development.
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A member of the canadian community
What is systemic racism in reality? It's an abstract concept that everyone talks about, but many people struggle to define. So we've compiled some fun, educational and explanatory resources on this much-debated form of racism.
I am
A Canadian employer
The common goal is to create a more inclusive and accessible job market for all. We have compiled a some resources to help you take your first steps towards a workplace where diversity, equity and inclusion are constant values.

The project Making Your Way Up , created by Sayaspora and funded by Canadian Heritage, addresses the barriers to employment and career mobility faced by marginalized and systematically underrepresented young women aged 18-30 in the African diaspora (including communities in the Maghreb, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southern and Eastern Africa and the Caribbean).
The project proposes a two-pronged response, offering tools to negotiate entry into key employment sectors while developing an awareness campaign to help employers and the public better understand the various issues arising from systematic racism and how it operates in the workplace.
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